Saturday, April 12, 2008

Seasonal DUI's: Holiday DUI's still working through system

Believe it or not the courts are still processing DUI's from the holidays. This is a good time to be a DUI attorney and that brings me to the topic of seasonal trends in the DUI's. Here in Pennsylvania the trend is that early spring/ late winter is the season for cleaning out the holiday DUI's. Late summer and early fall are also busy times for processing drunk driving offenses through the courts, as that is when summer cases tend to hit. Higher then average flow through the courts also occurs during the Christmas season due to those busted during the "biggest bar night of the year" (the night before Thanks Giving) and Thanks Giving weekend. This is due to students being home and continuing their campus antics with their old friends. The problem is they can't walk home like on campus. Bust for them, boom for DUI attorneys.

Anyhow, these are the general seasonal trends associated with DUI offences. It's obvious that the police are on to trends of drinking and driving as well. They coordinate their anti-drunk driving marketing and their patrol efforts to coordinate with these times. So as always, be smart and know that they know, for your sake and everyone on the roads.

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