Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pennsylvania ARD Program

The Pennsylvania ARD program is a driver rehabilitation program for first time DUI offenders that allows the DUI or DWI charges to be dropped upon completion of the program. To be eligible it has to have been your first offense in the last 10 years, you cannot have had a minor of the age 14 or under in the car and no injuries could have occurred during the infraction. This is usually the best case scenario if you have been busted driving under the influence of alcohol. The DUI will not go on your record and won't endanger future employment. Furthermore it is less expensive and offenders won't have to serve time in jail.

The ARD program is administered at the county level, and they don't make it easy for you. They are not your friends; an attorney should be hired to help you navigate the PA ARD Program. However, the best solution is to use the Pennsylvania ARD Program service provided by For a small (comparatively) fee they assist offenders through the maze of forms and red tape needed to complete an ARD Program. They are highly recommended and provide an experienced DUI attorney to guide you through the program.

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